29 Oct 2018

If you don’t know how to write your essay, you can change this situation if you read through the following “Vanity Fair” essay. The path of both main characters of the novel begins in the same educational institution. But one of them enjoys love and respect, but the other is an orphan. The first is Emilia Sedley, the second Rebecca Sharp.
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18 Oct 2018

The only existing manuscript of “Beowulf” dates back to around 1000 years. But the epopee itself, according to most experts, dates back to the end of the 7th or the first third of the 8th century. At that time the Anglo-Saxons were already experiencing the beginning process of the origin of feudal ties. The poem, however, is inherent in epic archaizing.
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11 Oct 2018

“A Streetcar Named Desire” is a classic of American theater. The play was written by Tennessee Williams, and has earned him the Pulitzer Prize and success on Broadway. The play was named after the streetcar that brought the protagonist Blanche DuBois to her sister’s house. Continue reading
4 Oct 2018

Like any other lists of topics on this site, “A Doll’s House” essay ideas are divided into categories as well. By the way, you can use them for free whatever your aim, whether it’s coming up with your own topic or using one from the list. Reading through the following essay topics for “A Doll’s House,” you will see that they are interesting choices for writing essays on them.
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24 Sep 2018

Our “The Odyssey” essay presented below can provide you with ideas for writing your own essay. The plot of “The Odyssey” is built with the help of such artistic means as flashbacks. Since the poem tells about the ten-year journeys of the protagonist, his countless feats, brave deeds and, finally, a successful return home, the first place in the work is a fabulously adventurous problem: the arbitrariness of the gods, the pride of Odysseus, the crisis of power in Ithaca, etc.
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10 Sep 2018

While you are reading our “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” essay, you can come up with your own ideas. Aunt Polly is constantly in suspense: her beloved nephew always breaks discipline, and she is torn between the need for his punishment and pity for the boy. His rebelliousness always takes the aunt unawares. His aunt believes that someone who does without punishment, spoils a child, but then she can’t beat the orphan, or at the last moment he suddenly distracts her attention with some unexpected trick and runs away, leaving her in the dust.
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27 Aug 2018
In this “Pygmalion” essay, we offer you an all-embracing insight into these two literary masterpieces, where we trace the parallels between the two iconic protagonists: the affectionate ancient artist and the conceited post-Victorian professor. This essay features the comparison of these two characters based on the thorough evaluation of the two. If you are feeling entrenched in your literature assignments and looking for some comprehensive explanation of “Pygmalion,” feel free to use the provided analysis as an illumination of both the play and the narrative. Continue reading
30 Jul 2018

We present this “Paradise Lost” essay based on Milton’s work. This is the story of Creation, the fall of Satan, lapse from virtue. Milton first violated the interpretations accepted in society of the Old Testament subjects, thus departing from the church dogmas. The epoch of revolutions, the change of life principles, values, and concepts – all this and much more compels us to look differently at the good and evil shown in the images of God and the Devil.
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12 Jul 2018

Last updated on March 15, 2023
Informal letters don’t usually include standard phrases and formulations. Here we give some examples of an informal letter opening, body, and conclusion.
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