1 Oct 2020
Photo by Simson Petrol on Stocksnap.io
Many students have tasks to present interesting essays in literature class. There is no secret that Ernest Hemingway is a great author that grabs the reader’s attention immediately. Therefore, if a student decided to write a short formal essay about ‘Hills Like White Elephants’ topic, success is ensured to them.
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3 Aug 2020
Photo by Kristin Hardwick on Stocksnap.io
Every student knows Albert Camus from the school program. This author is popular by his other works such as ‘The Guest,’ ‘Caligula,’ ‘The Plague,’ and ‘The Myth of Sisyphus.’ WriteMyEssayOnline knows about strict demands students get about choosing topics for their essays. If you want to start the writing process with ease, our service prepared this list of research topics relating to ‘The Stranger’ by Albert Camus. Use one of them and enjoy your research on the topic you really like.
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23 Jul 2020

Author: William Golding
Book title: Lord of the Flies
Date of the first publication: 1954
Genre: allegorical novel
‘Lord of the Flies’ is a classic piece of literature, full of symbolism and moral dilemmas that are still relevant today. The book follows a group of young boys stranded on an island and their attempts to survive and govern themselves. Through the characters and their behaviors, author William Golding paints a picture of humanity in its rawest form, showing that without structure or rules, even young children are capable of great brutality. Continue reading
3 Jul 2020
Photo by Bernard Spragg on Stocksnap.io
Lorraine Hansberry was the first African-American dramatist to perform a play in Broadway. ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ raises a lot of social topics such as gender roles, racial segregation, the dependence of personal development on material problems, and many other controversial issues.
For the purpose of helping students write great essays about this play, our service summarized and included all good essay topics for ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ in one list. Continue reading
3 May 2020

If you read our ‘The Story of an Hour’ research topics, you will know what to write about. The main goal of them is to prevent students from experiencing writer’s block when they don’t know what aspects of the book or story to write about. These topics will help you if you are asked to write a paper on ‘The Story of an Hour.’ Continue reading
13 Feb 2020
Photo by Kristin Hardwick on stocksnap.io
Last updated on March 15, 2023
Paulo Coelho wrote “The Alchemist” as a reflection of his own spiritual experience, but, ironically, he also predicted his future success in this book. The Alchemist was written in 1988 and published the same year. The novel was originally in Portuguese, and in 1993 published in English. The Alchemist tells the story of a young shepherd who leaves home to find his destiny. The book is quite famous, and students are often assigned to write an essay or research paper on it. If you are one of such students, we recommend you to check out the following documented essay topics for “The Alchemist.” They will help you to choose the most suitable one and write an interesting paper.
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22 Mar 2018

It is not so difficult to write a play review, especially if you can clearly express your thoughts and have already written a couple of reviews. If you don’t know how to write a review of a play, this article will introduce you to the basic rules of review writing!
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28 Mar 2016

Wondering how to write a good title for your essay? Here are some of the best practical pieces of advice to turn you into a brilliant title creator!
A title is the part of your work that gives the first impression to your reader. Of course, everybody wants that impression to be really strong, but writing titles is not an easy task. Why do students dislike writing conclusions? Because summarizing is so hard and there’s always so much you want to add! Or maybe you feel like you’ve already said what is needed to be said, and there’s no use of writing a summary. Titles are even harder: you have to present your work and make it interesting for the reader not in a paragraph, but in a simple and short sentence.
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16 Feb 2016

One of the most important stages of writing a college paper is selecting and narrowing the topic. The following guide will go through this step with you!
Sometimes, you’ll be given a list of possible questions and themes for your college paper, and other times you will have the freedom to choose your own topic. This freedom can be both great and terrifying. If you have difficulties choosing what to write about, start with a few ideas and choose the best one after several steps. You can also consult with your instructor about the best topic choices.
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15 Oct 2015

Paragraph writing can be intimidating, particularly in the early stages of an essay. The eigh-sentence paragraph burst is one style of essay writing that is designed to get writers past those early stages of essay creation. The eight-sentence format can be boiled down to the following six elements: topic sentence, first major support, first minor support, second major support, second minor support and conclusion. Continue reading