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Art Essay Sample – Abstractionism

 Art Essay Sample

Does an artist need talent to create abstractionist pictures?

Art is one of many platforms through which a person can express themselves. Ideas, ideology and beliefs can be put on display to convey a message or feeling. When there is no attempt for the art to represent external reality or physical objects, it may be considered abstract. Art is different things to different people and one painting or sculpture can induce varying feelings amongst its spectators. Therefore, talent in the context of abstractionism is not necessary, as it is relative to this specific art form.

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Best Writing Title Exercises to Help You

Best Writing Titles

Wondering how to write a good title for your essay? Here are some of the best practical pieces of advice to turn you into a brilliant title creator!

A title is the part of your work that gives the first impression to your reader. Of course, everybody wants that impression to be really strong, but writing titles is not an easy task. Why do students dislike writing conclusions? Because summarizing is so hard and there’s always so much you want to add! Or maybe you feel like you’ve already said what is needed to be said, and there’s no use of writing a summary. Titles are even harder: you have to present your work and make it interesting for the reader not in a paragraph, but in a simple and short sentence.

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The Best Tips on How to Study Without Getting Bored

How to Study

Distractions while studying is not the end of the world. However, you should know that studying can be interesting if you know tips on how to study without getting bored.

Almost all students start getting bored right after holding a book or even the minute they decide to study. But don’t worry! Studying is fun when you convince yourself that it’s fun and when you understand that it will be beneficial for you more than anything else. Here are some tips for studying that will prevent getting bored.

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What Are the Main Characteristics of Good Paper Topics?

Good Paper Topics

One of the most important stages of writing a college paper is selecting and narrowing the topic. The following guide will go through this step with you!

Sometimes, you’ll be given a list of possible questions and themes for your college paper, and other times you will have the freedom to choose your own topic. This freedom can be both great and terrifying. If you have difficulties choosing what to write about, start with a few ideas and choose the best one after several steps. You can also consult with your instructor about the best topic choices.

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Eight Most Successful People Who Were Kicked Out of College

A great number of the most successful people got there without the help of a college education. Many celebrities have been kicked out because of fights, while others got into trouble for breaking dorm rules. However, getting expelled from college is not a guarantee for popularity or success. Check out some interesting facts below!

Samuel L. JacksonEight Most Successful People Who Were Kicked Out of College

Born: 1948
Birthplace: Washington, D.C., USA
Profession: actor, producer, voice acting
Institution: Morehouse College
Samuel L. Jackson was kicked out of Morehouse College for locking board members for two days in a building. It was a protest on the lack of black board members. Continue reading

The Best Guide to Writing a Paragraph in an Eight-Sentence Burst

Writing a Paragraph

Paragraph writing can be intimidating, particularly in the early stages of an essay. The eigh-sentence paragraph burst is one style of essay writing that is designed to get writers past those early stages of essay creation. The eight-sentence format can be boiled down to the following six elements: topic sentence, first major support, first minor support, second major support, second minor support and conclusion. Continue reading