4 Nov 2019

You are a high school student. In the first weeks of the school year, you try to do everything right. You do everything you are told, including your homework. After classes in lacrosse and work in the supermarket, you return home around 8 pm. Then you are supposed to eat, do homework, and go to bed so that in the morning you wake up and do the same again.
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9 Sep 2019

In modern schools there is a clear tendency toward the ever-growing volume of homework. Starting with primary classes, students spend an hour every day, and even more, on homework. Unfortunately or fortunately, in this situation, Americans are not alone. Recently in Spain, parents announced a four-week strike – they massively wrote notes for teachers explaining the lack of exercises performed. For information, in Spain, students spend an average of seven hours per week on doing homework. So, is it possible to find schools without homework nowadays?
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19 Aug 2019

Jackson Brown once said: “Do not say that you do not have time. You have exactly the same time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein.” We all perfectly understand that time is the most valuable resource. In order to achieve success, you need to be able to distribute everything you need to do competently throughout the day. And it is desirable to learn this from childhood. Therefore, a homework chart with a timetable should be created with the focus on what you can do at home. We really hope that this will help students to increase their grades and to get spare time for themselves.
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29 Jul 2019

Homework research shows that for the past ten years, Professor Gerald K. LeTendre, together with colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania, studied how the amount of homework in schools in different countries is reflected in the level of education and performance of the students. We have prepared some theses about the influence of homework on students. Continue reading
15 Jul 2019

Photo by Joshua Hoehne from Unsplash
Teachers decide whether homework helps to learn material or steals childhoods, and students hate homework, regardless of the conclusions of adults. The American teacher Brandy Young decided to cancel homework for her class. Most students think, “I don’t want to do my homework,” but what are the real disadvantages of doing your homework?
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8 Jul 2019

[The post information was updated on June, 2023]
Sooner or later each student faces a situation when he or she needs to invent excuses for not doing homework. If you have found out that the homework deadline is dramatically near and you are not able to do it on time, you can hire an essay writer online or search for excuses to save your grades. Sometimes homework excuses can save you from getting low scores, and sometimes they can even worsen them. In this article, we try to elaborate whether students should make excuses for not completing homework tasks, how to do it right, and in which cases.
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22 Apr 2019

The Sound And The Fury essay was written by a professional writer. The work “The Sound and The Fury” did not bring its creator Faulkner success and popularity among readers in the first years after publication. You can find a few explanations to this. In the first place, this novel was more highly rated by critics than ordinary readers, perhaps for the reason that the text was extremely difficult to comprehend, so many simply refused to bother to delve into what was written. When publishing his novel Faulkner addressed the publisher with a desire to differentiate the corresponding time strata in the text, but from a technical point of view it was a difficult task, therefore only in our time they published such a publication. Continue reading
15 Apr 2019

The Cyrano De Bergerac essay can be used to write your own paper on the similar topic. The heroic comedy Cyrano de Bergerac is the highest achievement of the French neo-romanticist playwright Edmond Rostand, which brought him world fame. The play outlines the neo-romantic concept of heroism as a person’s inner ability to overcome the force of circumstances. The original idea of the comedy was not associated with the French writer and thinker of XVII century Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac.
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8 Apr 2019

One more essay that is written by a professional writer is One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich essay. “One day In Life of Ivan Denisovich” is associated with one of the facts of the author’s biography – the Ekibastuz special camp, where in the winter of 1950 – 1951, this story was created. The main hero of Solzhenitsyn’s story is Ivan Denisovich Shukhov, an ordinary prisoner of Stalin’s camp. In this story, the author on behalf of the character narrates about one day – from three thousand six hundred and fifty three days of the term of Ivan Denisovich.
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1 Apr 2019

We suggest to read through our Inferno essay as it will help to write your own paper. Incredibly, the events unfolding in the novel take place only for two days. So much has happened during this time! Characters like meteors swept through several countries: the United States, Italy (Florence, Venice), Turkey. The plot, of course, is swirly. Chase, shooting, dressing up, deception, confessions, forgiveness, sex, genius and villainy, depression and loneliness – all these are included in the poem.
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