29 Apr 2021
Maternity is one of the most responsible parts of a woman’s life, yet not every woman maintains this role. It does not matter what occupation a woman chooses; she makes the right choice. It is spoken in many essays on teen pregnancy that in any case, when a young woman decides to become pregnant and have a baby, it is a prominent choice she makes in her life. Indeed, the woman’s will should not be forced by social dogmas as in some cultures where parents marry their kids before legal age.

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3 Jun 2020
People often underestimate the essence of healthy food. It is not so easy to implement new habits, but with new recipes, you can understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition starts with positive thinking and understanding of what our body really needs.

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23 May 2020
Many students consider the potential problems with electronic devices and consider digging deeper into this area. If you are considering creating a paper about the influence of global digitalization on one’s life and think: ‘I guess I should write my term paper about it,’ read on. Continue reading
13 May 2020
Graffiti is one of the most controversial types of art in our time. Even if an artist makes beautiful murals, there are a lot of people who don’t support this creative expression. In the next graffiti essay sample, everyone can find new interpretations from famous art critics, such as Lisa Hochtritt, Ricardo Campos, and Andrea Baldini.

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Reading essay samples is a beneficial process that expands students’ knowledge on any discipline. When you get an assignment from your teacher to write an essay on graffiti, you can compare your sources with those the author used. This subject is very inspiring for students who want to develop their knowledge of modern art trends and critically analyze everything about art. Continue reading
4 Mar 2020
K-pop (Korean pop music) is nothing new to the global audience, but now, with the emergence of global K-pop groups such as BTS and BLACKPINK, this genre of music is becoming more and more popular.
K-pop is a generic name given to music from South Korea.
Kpop is a global phenomenon that invaded modern culture with the speed of light. It seems that the popularity of Korean culture began not only in visual and musical art, but in Korean cosmetics five years ago. Actually, Kpop takes its roots from the year 1992, and thanks to the bands Seo Taiji and Boys, we have become familiar with modern and unique Korean-style popular music. The history of how Korean popular music influenced the whole world is a great topic for an essay about Kpop.

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22 Apr 2019

The Sound And The Fury essay was written by a professional writer. The work “The Sound and The Fury” did not bring its creator Faulkner success and popularity among readers in the first years after publication. You can find a few explanations to this. In the first place, this novel was more highly rated by critics than ordinary readers, perhaps for the reason that the text was extremely difficult to comprehend, so many simply refused to bother to delve into what was written. When publishing his novel Faulkner addressed the publisher with a desire to differentiate the corresponding time strata in the text, but from a technical point of view it was a difficult task, therefore only in our time they published such a publication. Continue reading
15 Apr 2019

The Cyrano De Bergerac essay can be used to write your own paper on the similar topic. The heroic comedy Cyrano de Bergerac is the highest achievement of the French neo-romanticist playwright Edmond Rostand, which brought him world fame. The play outlines the neo-romantic concept of heroism as a person’s inner ability to overcome the force of circumstances. The original idea of the comedy was not associated with the French writer and thinker of XVII century Savinien Cyrano de Bergerac.
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8 Apr 2019

One more essay that is written by a professional writer is One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich essay. “One day In Life of Ivan Denisovich” is associated with one of the facts of the author’s biography – the Ekibastuz special camp, where in the winter of 1950 – 1951, this story was created. The main hero of Solzhenitsyn’s story is Ivan Denisovich Shukhov, an ordinary prisoner of Stalin’s camp. In this story, the author on behalf of the character narrates about one day – from three thousand six hundred and fifty three days of the term of Ivan Denisovich.
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