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A Great Dreams Essay Example You Wanted to Read

The Dark Dreams of David Lynch

Early in David Lynch’s film Mulholland Drive, the narrative breaks away from the story of a woman escaping a murder attempt and centers on two men eating at a diner called Winkie’s. One of the men nervously tells the other about a recurring nightmare he’s having, in which they’re at this same diner together, scared of something evil living behind the Winkie’s. When the nervous man finishes, the two investigate behind the diner, hoping to dispel the nightmare.

essays about dreams

Photo by mila-del-monte from Pixabay

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An Essay About School Uniform Sample

Should Uniforms Be Forbidden in Schools?

The implementation of uniforms in school has caused much debate. Some parents refuse to comply with this policy requiring their children to wear uniforms. However, the rate of school-related issues has shed light on the importance of the mandated policy. Uniforms should not be forbidden in schools due to their help in promoting discipline in students, reducing the expenses of parents on their children’s clothes, encouraging equality, and abolishing hierarchical discrimination among all students.

schools uniforms essayPhoto by DerWeg from Pixabay

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Teenage Pregnancy Essay Example

Maternity is one of the most responsible parts of a woman’s life, yet not every woman maintains this role. It does not matter what occupation a woman chooses; she makes the right choice. It is spoken in many essays on teen pregnancy that in any case, when a young woman decides to become pregnant and have a baby, it is a prominent choice she makes in her life. Indeed, the woman’s will should not be forced by social dogmas as in some cultures where parents marry their kids before legal age.

teenage pregnancy essays

Photo by Bgmphotografia from Pixabay

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List of 30 Topics to Write an Essay about ‘The Stranger’ by Albert Camus

Interesting Essay Topics about ‘The Stranger’Photo by Kristin Hardwick on Stocksnap.io

Every student knows Albert Camus from the school program. This author is popular by his other works such as ‘The Guest,’ ‘Caligula,’ ‘The Plague,’ and ‘The Myth of Sisyphus.’ WriteMyEssayOnline knows about strict demands students get about choosing topics for their essays. If you want to start the writing process with ease, our service prepared this list of research topics relating to ‘The Stranger’ by Albert Camus. Use one of them and enjoy your research on the topic you really like.

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‘Lord of the Flies’ Essay Topics That Will Spice Up Your Writing

lord of the flies essay topics

Author: William Golding
Book title: Lord of the Flies
Date of the first publication: 1954
Genre: allegorical novel

‘Lord of the Flies’ is a classic piece of literature, full of symbolism and moral dilemmas that are still relevant today. The book follows a group of young boys stranded on an island and their attempts to survive and govern themselves. Through the characters and their behaviors, author William Golding paints a picture of humanity in its rawest form, showing that without structure or rules, even young children are capable of great brutality. Continue reading

45 Ideas of ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ Paper Topics for Students

A Raisin in the SunPhoto by Bernard Spragg on Stocksnap.io

Lorraine Hansberry was the first African-American dramatist to perform a play in Broadway. ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ raises a lot of social topics such as gender roles, racial segregation, the dependence of personal development on material problems, and many other controversial issues.
For the purpose of helping students write great essays about this play, our service summarized and included all good essay topics for ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ in one list. Continue reading